Thursday, July 9, 2015

Small Business Branding Consultant Mumbai

Be Visible like big even if you are small &  fight  with Big brands.
Are you  SME ?  May be  50 lac to 5 cr turn over .
Are really have a great product but you wanted to look like big brand of say 100 to 500 Cr Company?
How to do that? How create big impact by applying branding techniques?
We suggest to do below things & we can help you do this things as well .
1.       Brand  Name- Give really impressive brand name to product or to your business
2.       Logo- Create impressive log with international standard
3.       Color, font , shapes  etc – choose corporate color , font , shapes to make & show your brand identity
4.       Mascot- create mascot  like big brands
5.       Slogan / tag line- create great slogan or tag line
6.       Posters /banners/walls painting- create impress posters to display at various locations like office , shop , exhibitions etc etc
7.       Packaging / Stickers /labels/tapes - creat great stickers /labels for multiple use like on box packaging etc etc
8.       Business stationeries – visiting cards, bills, invoices, envelopes etc – must of corporate standards
9.       Website- create  better that top brand website to master your presence on virtual world
10.   Blog- create write many things on your industry to show knowledge mastery on your industry.
11.   Social Media Pages – create great social media brand pages on face book, tweeter , YouTube, g+, LinkedIn & connect with top people in industry
12.   Emails- create best corporate formats for email communications
13.   Official email ids,Ph no  & email signatures- create official email ids like , , ,, etc etc, tool free no , customer care no etc etc
14.   Catalogs- create great , informative , impressive company catalog
15.   ppt presentations- create great , informative , impressive company ppt
16.   company video presentations- create great , informative , impressive company video
17.   Ad films- create great , informative , impressive company ad film
18.   Audio ads / jingles - create great , informative , impressive company jingle
19.   Brand ambassador –like TV,FILM actor , sport personality
20.   Give always like- bags, t-shirts, pens, diaries , key chains, caps
21.   Packaging – Pouch ,bottle, box, carry bag etc packaging
22.   Employees id cards, uniforms
23.   Business communication content – need to have professional communication formats like  business letters etc
24.   Media press ads/releases etc- Do provide press release etc on website.
25.   Certifications, Awards – Like  TM ,R, ISI ,  ISO , CRISIL , Member of Chambers of commerce etc etc
26.   Greeting emails as per occasions- do send emails like happy new year , happy diwali  to you people, clients ,customers etc etc
27.   Affiliation – Do get affiliation of institutes , brands etc etc
28.   Clients – Proved good client list or testimonials on website
29.   Supplier Brands- Do also write suppliers brand name by which you are making your product.
30.   Careers – Write career page on website & show many openings
31.   Branches – show branches if you have or you can associate & show branches
32.   Dealers Appointment- Write that you are looking for to appoint dealers etc etc
33.   Advisory Board – Try to get god advisory board on website
34.   Photo & Videos online  - give good photo & videos like visit, exhibitions, popular personality visits , events , training, factory , office  etc etc
35.   Vision – Be connecting with great personality or concept or ideology which you follow.
36.   Mission – Write mission of your brand & further plans etc etc  

New start up or small business owners can contact us for their branding solutions

Contact Us –

Mr.Prakash Bhosale
 eBarnding Consultant
 Ph  +91 8097027355 , + 91 9222086563 , SMS + 91 9224335234
 WhatsApp :- +91-9867806399 , Skype :- eBrandingIndia

Internet Marketing for New Novel/ Poetry /Drama / short story / Songs Lyrics / album Writers

Internet Marketing for New Novel/ Poetry /Drama / short story / Songs Lyrics / album Writers

Internet Marketing for New Novel/ Poetry /Drama / short story / Songs Lyrics / album Writers & How to Network Online To Sell and make money .
There are many ways to get your name in front of those who might take an interest in your book. It doesn't matter if you are self published or have a major house backing you--you need to get your name out there.
There are many great websites that cater to writers. Message boards are gathering places where frustrations, goals, and success are shared. It’s not only a great support to the lone writer but is handy since most boards have you create some sort of profile for joining.
It should be a no brainer at this point that a website or blog is a great tool for advertising. Including the link in your signature as you post comments at blogs is another way to get your title in front of people. Plus, your link should always be in your email signature.
Agents who have websites are great and agents who have updated blogs are even better. Even if you don't write in the genre they represent, check them out as they usually have great information, contests and are just a great place to check in with other writers. As you participate in conversation, don't forget to use your profile or link in your signature to keep your book out there and in front of people.
Amazon makes it easy to include your book information at your blog or website. Include the link to your book at Amazon as you cruise around the Internet.
Writing, especially fiction writing, is a tough business to get into and a tougher one to stay in. Generally, neither authors nor publishers make a significant profit until an author‚s fifth novel is published. Most of the time, the majority of the meager money that publishers put into publicizing books goes toward review copies and the usually unproductive author tour. How many books do first-time authors sell? Over 195,000 new novels are published by traditional publishers in the U.S. every year. Of those, 70% sell fewer than 500 copies.
To be in the other 30% of authors, you must seize every promotional advantage you can, especially by using the web and other new media, first novel sold out of its first print run of 10,000 copies in under two months and is currently chewing through its second print run, which is better than average.
To sell your book, (1) inform people that you and the novel exist, (2) interest readers enough to buy your book, and (3) build a relationship to keep them coming back for more. For all this, the Internet is the perfect medium
To announce your presence to the world, first you blog. Before your book is published, start your own blog or blogs on subjects related to your book, especially controversial themes or subjects that people want to know more about on an easy, free blog host like Blogger/Blogspot, Livejournal, or Xanga. Join blogs. Be a guest blogger. Trade blog posts with other bloggers. Many small blogs and blogger networks, including those that you start or join and co-op blogs, allow you to write one blog post and then cross-post to them all, which means far more bang for your time and typing buck. Some blog networks also feed into search engine news services, which is an added publicity bonus.

Writing guest articles for newsletters, print, e-magazines, and other blogs is one of the best ways to reach new readers. Articles for big blogs and e-magazines, such as this one or Booklet, are generally exclusive. Don't cross-post these, though you can link to the post from your other blogs with a teaser about the article. Query blogs via email with a paragraph about the topic of your article and why you should write it. Find popular places to post by using tools like SEO, SMO, ONLINE PR,VIRAL MARKETING,AFFILIATE MARKETING ETC
If you have the time to commit to writing several articles per week for only one site, About is competitive but lucrative.

Literary journals, especially e-journals, are excellent places to publicize. Excise self-contained nuggets out of your novel and submit them. You can also write stand-alone prequels, sequels, or exquels to your novel. Lists of literary journals, such as this one at Poets & Writers, abound.
Social networking sites are also great places to up your profile .A page at FACEBOOK, LINKED IN , ORKUT MySpace ETC is the minimum. You can cross-post your blog essays on MySpace blogs, too. Add friends, join groups, and aim for 1000 friends as your first goal, then 5000, then 10,000. Good reads is a must-visit social networking site for authors. It's similar to MySpace except that it's geared toward bibliophiles -- a target-rich audience. Add friends, join groups, and post book reviews. Gather is a community of writers and is another great place to make friends and turn them into readers by cross-posting your blogs and essays.
Once your book is added to Amazon, enroll in the Amazon Connect authors' program. You can post blogs, announce book tour dates, and connect with people who have purchased your books in the past. Your posts show up on your book's page.
Forums and newsgroups are the great underground for authors. Make a list of topics, especially controversial ones, in your novel, and search YahooGroups, GoogleGroups, and search engines for "forum" plus your topic. Post to the introductory thread with details about your book, then respond to other people's posts, and cross-post any topically related blog posts as thread starters. Include your book's title in your sig file, but don't actually advertise your book as that will likely just get you branded as a spammer. As long as your posts are on topic, helpful, thoughtful, and informative, people will visit your signature links. Forums are good places to enjoy yourself.
Where to get ideas for blog essays: news items (write an opinion piece, not necessarily contrary, and link back to the source article), forum posts (on a discussion thread, when you write a long answer to a post, copy/paste your answer, tidy it up, and post it on your blogs), your characters (write short stories about them, which you can then submit to literary journals, or do "interviews" with them, which is always an amusing exercise), or questions that people ask you about your book.

After you inform people that you and your book exists, give them more information. Seventy percent of readers who are thinking of buying a book by a new author search the Internet before they buy.
The first thing you should do when you sign your book contract, if you haven't already, is buy your name as a web domain address. You might want to buy the dot-net and dot-org versions as well as the dot-com, because if you don't, someone else will.
So what do you put on your web site? First and foremost and as always, content is king. Readers want to know more about you, your book, and subjects in your book, writing your book, excerpts from your novel or other short stories, and your characters. Don't just slap up a couple sales pages.

Republish essays that you hold the e-rights to on your website. Link to others and to your blogs. Include a few pictures of yourself but nothing that will overly interest a stalker. Write content for the site that includes important key words and optimize your pages for search engines, which include naming pages using commonly searched words that are also subjects of the essay and ensuring that the links between pages work. Add content frequently. Include a way to email you (important for building an email list)

After you've found someone and sold them your novel, sell them the next one by building a relationship with them. As any Marketing Consultant will tell you, the easiest customer is the repeat customer. To do this, build an email list.
Anyone who emails you, write them back and add them to your emailing list. When you start out, you can do mass emailing to your friends, but as you get bigger you should have an opt-in email list. Send out at least a couple newsletters each year and make sure there is a way for people to remove themselves from the newsletter so you are in compliance with anti-spam laws. Definitely make use of your email distribution list to announce the pre-sale and sale of your next book.
Cruising around the Internet doesn't need to be viewed as a waste of time. Consider it networking. Joining in on writer's groups online and commenting at agent and author blogs can all be used as a way to get your name and your novel out there in front of people?
So that's how to use the Internet to rise above the fray: find readers, give them information, and build relationships with them. In-store sells only a few books and publishers may or may not allocate much in the way of publicity funds and manpower to first-time authors. Your own efforts on the Internet can make a dramatic difference in whether or not your novel succeeds

Contact Us:-

Mr.Prakash Bhosale
        Ph  +91 8097027355 , + 91 -9224335234 , +91-9222086563 WhatsApp :- +91-9867806399
        Skype :- eBrandingIndia  ,,

Database for marketing of Health care Industry

We provide Health care Industry database for marketing 

of any city of India like Mumbai , Pune , Bangalore, Chennai , Delhi , Kolkatta, Hyderabad etc etc 

Health Directory
Chemists Directory
Chemists Directory By City
Doctors Directory
Doctors Directory By City
Emergency Medical Services
Hospital Directory
Hospitals Directory By City
International Hospital Directory
NGOs By City
Surgical Suppliers
Surgical Suppliers By City
Pharmaceuticals Directory
Pharmaceuticals Directory By City
Colleges and Universities
Ayurveda Colleges
Dental Colleges
Homeopathy Colleges
Medical Colleges
Nursing Colleges
Pharma Colleges
Siddha Colleges
Unani Colleges
Universities in India

Contact us 

e-Branding India Technologies Pvt Ltd
web :- Blog:-
Email:-, ,,
Tel :- +91 -022 -64468587, +91- 09222086563, +91- 09224335234,+91- 08097027355
Chat :- Gtalk - ebrandingindia , bhosale1611 Skype :- ebrandingindia 

Feasibility Study & Consultancy for Business Loan

Are you NRI , Investor & planning to buy any business in India ? Do you need help or consultant?

Are you business owner & looking for to sell your business or loan , project loan , vc etc  ? Do you need right consultancy?

Consultancy to buy & sell IT, ITes, e-commerce, website, portal or any conceptual business.
Prof. Prakash Bhosale , ceo of ebranding India  is a leading Business consultant in IT,ITes, Portal ,e-commerce business to help business owners to buy & sell their businesses worldwide.
Where we can help ----
·         feasibility study of business which you are looking at to buy , sell , loan , vc etc etc .
·         Below points we need to study & cover.
·         Location or Geo market of business.
·         Type & potential of customer.
·         Sale & cash flow / revenue pattern
·         Study on Intellectual property, brand value of business
·         Valuation of Tangible property if any
·         Study on share holding pattern
·         Study on business operations
·         Study of 5 years or available financial statements
·         Study of Liabilities of business
·         Interview with key people of company
·         Interview with few costumers of company
·         Market research & competitive analysis.
·         Over all valuation of business.( both tangible & intangible assets)

Contact us for / before buying & selling , loan , VC of any IT , ITes, Portal , E-commerce business.

Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia

Friday, July 3, 2015

Social Media Executive Required in Mumbai

Job Description:

1. Work with the internal team to develop, implement creative social media campaigns.
2. Managing social media presence for clients brand, including answering comments and questions, escalating issues, etc
3. Monitoring the effectiveness of social media campaigns and providing reports on key social media metrics.

Skills and Experience

1. Must have minimum of 0.5 -1  years experience in an Digital/Interactive/Social Media activity.
2. Must have min experience in executing Social Media campaigns.
3. Excellent communication skills in English written.

Industry: Advertising / PR / MR / Event Management
Functional Area: Marketing, Advertising, MR, PR, Media Planning
Job Locations – Mumbai ,Pune ,Thane, Navi Mumbai ,Sangli ,Dubai
Keys kills: Social Media, online marketing, social advertising, Media Planning, Social Media Marketing, social media advertising, online marketing advertising, online media planning, online advertising, BMM, media management, MMM

Desired Profile

Education: HSC + 2 Years exp ,  UG /Any Graduate - Any Specialization

Company Profile

e-Branding India Technologies headed by Prof.Prakash Bhosale ( ex Google )  is  leading digital communications consultant offering Internet advertising & marketing solutions.  Our SEO ,SMO ,Media personnel works inhouse &  at clients place ob our behalf  across Mumbai , Pune ,UK , USA ,Dubai ,Singapore .

Looking for Graduate - English writer at Sangli

Job location – Sangli (Government colony)

We are IT , ITes company based at  Sangli .

We are looking for English writer / composer.

Qualification – Any Graduate   (with min 65% marks)

Gender- Male or Female

Skills – Good Internet surfing on Google, social media, MS world, PPT ,excl ,paint , etc

Good at English writing with flow , meaning on given topic &  references

Salary – Rs.3500/ in training period of 3 to 6 months (depend on your ability to learn). After successful 

training Rs.12 to 16000 based on  ability & skills.

Working hours – 9.45 am to 6.30 pm- Monday to Friday , 9.45 am to 2 pm on Saturday

Send CV & 5 pages of  sample english content written by you  at &

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Business Reports- writing reports CALL/SMS 9224335234

Reports are typically meticulously composed statement of facts. After a lot of preparation, reports are developed with the complete knowledge of the topic. There are different types of reports needed for specific project work. A marketing report helps in understanding the scenario of the market and identify if there are possibilities of product launch or not. A report studies the existing scenario of the market and identifies the scopes for future venture. Similarly, other reports such as  , Market research report, Business Plan for US Visa application, Project report for bank loan, Business Plan Writing for ANGLE , VC Funding, Business Plan for start up business, Project report for  Govt Subsidy  & Free Duty, DPR for Govt Projects, PhD ,MPhil thesis writing, NGO report for International funding and Feasibility report. For example, writing feasibility is difficult without professional assistance. It demands special knowledge on evaluation and analytical ability on a proposed project. The report is based on extensive research work investigation as well as research to support the process of the report.

Consultancy becomes essential while composing report works for business projects. A business report is difficult for a student to compete without assistance. Hence enjoy customized and quick consultancy on any given topic and complete the business report within the desired time. The academic assistance is specially arranged to help students complete the post graduate studies in a hassle free manner and achieve top grades in desired subjects. Report composition refers to a very complex process involving an intense knowledge of formatting and style according to the requirements of the clients.

Aspiring entrepreneurs may quickly learn about preparing business reports and look forward to work in the finest organizations of the world by learning the right techniques from the experienced guides. Such high hopes are difficult to fulfill if there is a dearth of knowledge in the planning and reporting know how. This lack of knowledge will not only affect the grades at the University level, but will also affect the career enhancement of the individual.

Report writing is an integral aspect of business administration or management. Irrespective of domain, such as marketing, HR, funding etc report is essential to understand the desired goal of the project work. Knowledge of assimilating adequate statistical data after thorough analysis is the basic requirements of business report writing. The academic assistants have complete knowledge about report handling and understand the detail of the report that will soon help in scoring top grades and also improve business relations and help in career growth.

The consultancy service that is offering specialized guidance to complete the report work will help you deliver customized data analysis and present adequate statistical detail. The student should is studying online should provide us with the desired information so that we could manipulate the data and work on the findings in the professional manner.  Get matchless reporting services at an affordable price and impress your professors to score high in the post graduation studies. Get matchless quality, well edited, and impressively formatted reports which are completed in a professional manner and delivered on time at an economic rate. No need to panic about the payment for consultation services, just contact the professionals and enjoy flawless services.


Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia

MBA projects – for YCMOU Call/SMS 9224335234

The best way to solve the issue of completing MBA studies is by contacting the experienced academic guides on a regular basis. They are here to offer systematic assistance and help students complete their projects and assignment within the desired time. The experienced guides are who have complete knowledgeable on the specific subjects are always ready to help the students achieve top grades in the class. Assignments, reports, case study, course work are an essential aspect of Post graduate education.  The system is tedious as well as time consuming.
If the student fails to complete the task in the MBA course is expected to suffer on grades. Thus, the best way to avoid facing trouble while preparing the projects and study online course on distance learning program offered by the particular University is by indulging into consultancy service from academic guides and submit error free assignments.  Completing an MBA project demands report writing ability, knowledge of facts as well as figures, charts and graph. The chapters and data collection in the research project are equally essential which demands ability of first comprehending the project idea, then underpinning the need for carrying out the research work, followed by data collection, evaluation of the research data and fresh information as well as lining with objectives and establishing inference with the  identified research topic. Thus these are huge work which demand focused evaluation and analytical ability. Thus the mammoth task when seemed impossible, just get in touch with the experienced guides and take professional suggestion.
There are countless distance learning courses in India. Most Universities and Institutes have incorporated the facility to help working professionals enhance their knowledge and achieve promotion. Thus while you are studying in MBA and facing trouble in managing course work or assignment or having problem in understanding the subject, it is advised that you quickly contact the team of experienced guides and enjoy professional help. Studying alone is difficult when there is no scope for interacting with professors on regular basis.  In such a situation it is a boon when students get a scope to discuss any and every problem with the experienced guides. The guides help in understanding the core concepts of marketing, retail, finance or human resource and ensure that one completes the MBA course in a hassle free manner. The best thing about the education assistance services is that, it helps students enjoy customized services at an affordable rate. Get 24X 7assistance on project works and any courses you are studying through distance education system at an affordable price. The rates are pocket friendly and services are readily available.


Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia

MBA projects – for JARO Call/SMS 9224335234

JARO is known for offering International MBA from correspondence. They have designed specialized course for working professionals. Distance learning is extremely convenient for those who are tied up in busy schedule and study key subjects like Marketing, Finance, Information Technology, Human Resource Management, Supply Chain Management, health care & Hospital Management, Power Management, Tourism& Hospitality Management, Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Pharmaceutical Management and Project Management. Thus irrespective of taste and preference you may join the institute and complete education. However, simply joining an institute is not the end of the journey, it is just the beginning, as a student you have to study and work on various projects and then complete the projects to impress professors and score high.

When tasks and MBA project are troubling you and giving sleepless nights, the best way to complete the distance education in a seamless manner is by taking specialized assistance on the given subject. The team of knowledgeable guides is here to offer complete assistance.

Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia


MBA projects – for SMU Call/SMS 9224335234

Many a time people are forced to discontinue education and join job. In such a condition some join distance learning program to complete education. Others who are working join specialized courses such as MBA to upgrade knowledge and experience professional promotion.  SMU is one of the top universities in Indian where students join for studying MBA on distance basis. the distance learning MBA course are Management Process and Organisation Behavior, Business Communication, Statistics for Management, Financial & Management Accounting, managerial Economics and Human Resource Management. Specialization is offered in Marketing, retail, Information systems, Operations, Banking, Total Quality Management, Human Resource Management, Health Care Services, Finance Management and International Business. Thus there are countless courses which are specifically designed to help students meet their desired career goals by studying from distance.

However, studying courses through distance education system is though helpful for those who do not have the option of attending classes on the regular basis, however is not always easy to complete MBA studies without assistance. In post graduate program students are expected to complete individual project works, work on thesis, write proposal for the dissertation and work on assignments at the same time. The subjects are new, too much pressure with syllabus completion and working on all these alone is often difficult. Hence when troubled with so many tasks at the same time, just get in touch with the team of professional guides and experience tailor made assistance on the given subject. The team is enriched with specialized person from different background, namely human resource, marketing, retail, finance, and health care and so on. They are there on any given project work. They ensure that any and every academic task is completed properly, adequately referenced and is formatted as per APA or MLA style, the most readily accepted styles in the Universities across the world.
Complete the projects on any given topic in a hassle free manner with the assistance of the professional guides. Get quality content which is properly edited, proof read, free from grammatical error to impress professors today.


Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia

MBA projects – for AMITY Call/SMS 9224335234

The management student of Amity University may select any course for studying postgraduate program from distance. Students who have joined distance learning courses often faces trouble in understanding the coursework. Since there is no scope of learning the specific MBA course by attending regular classes, anyone facing problem in understanding the course, or having trouble in working on dissertation or case studies, may contact the specialist academic assistants and avail suggestion. The guides are there to help the students completing their tasks. There is a specialized team of academic guides who have complete knowledge on MBA education system. They understand the basic need of Business education and are able to help student learnt thoroughly about business world. In short taking assistance from these guides on online basis will not only help in enjoying facility at any time and complete education, the system is specifically designed in line with the MBA classes so that the student do not feel any difference while taking help. In spite of studying from distance, the guides make you feel comfortable and help whenever necessary. Thus the issues that may trouble you as you have joined distance education, no longer remains the same with specialized guidance.


Prof. Prakash Bhosale
Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia


MBA projects – for IGNOU - Call/SMS 9224335234

One of the finest ways of joining desired courses and complete hire studies is through online education system in India. IGNOU’s MBA courses are specially designed to meet students need as per the demand of the present scenario. When you are studying MBA from this Open University, and facing trouble with dissertation proposal writing or working or course work, case studying and MBA assignment, irrespective of the subject just avail customized assistance and complete projects within time.  Learn referencing style, proposal drafting concept within a day or two and then impress professors with error free project work.
MBA or Masters in Business Administration is difficult without adequate assistance and right guidance. Knowledge of referencing and plagiarism free writing is also essential for presenting top quality impressive paper. Such knowledge could be easily gathered from the team of experienced academic guides and students may easily produce impressive projects to achieve high grades in the post graduation.

Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia



MBA projects – for Wellinkar- Call/SMS 9224335234

At Welingkar students may join in any courses, Post Graduate, One year Diploma, Six months r two years Diploma. Welingkar offers courses such s Diploma is Banking, Certified Programs and Telecom Management. Students could joint and study Postgraduate Programs, MBA and select specialization as per preference. Student’s faces tremendous pressure and stress while studying at the University level. Hence, to end all homework woes, they may take assistance and score high in the MBA program by incorporating professional assistance.
The teams of professional guides are equipped to offer complete project based guidance and ensure seamless performance and high score. Therefore irrespective of the subject or specialization students may contact the finest guides and enjoy complete assistance in project completion. The professors from key background such as Marketing, Retail, Finance, Systems, operations and HR. Projects in Business Design, Health Care Management, Rural Management, and Retail Management are there to help you complete projects in any specializations you have chosen. Therefore stop hesitating, call today and experience the difference.


Prof. Prakash Bhosale

Ph - +91 8097027355, + 91 9222086563, SMS:- + 91 9224335234

WhatsApp       +91 9867806399, Skype- ebrandingIndia

