Friday, July 4, 2014

Catchy Subject Line writing service for e-mail marketing

Catchy Subject Line writing service for e-mail marketing

How many unread emails you have in your mail box ? 500 ?1000?
Do you want; your email should remain unread? Definitely NO ….
What you need to get max open rate for your email is interesting subject line …
Email subject line would perhaps be more important than email content.

Benefits of Services..

1. Get Max possible open rate for your bulk email activity.
2. Increase reputation of your bulk mailing server on free mail space.
3. Composing subject lines to attract my readers
4. Composing multiple subject lines as per product , geo targeting & Target audience .
5. 15 to 50 % increase in open rate by use of our services.


Prakash Bhosale , Mumbai ,India , 9222086563

10 year in advertising Industry & 4 years experience working with as  ad copy writer . To write short ads for  many product & services.